Teaching and Learning Factories concept is a modern way of education in a production environment.
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Teaching Factories work like “two-way street”. One way leads from the factory, where practitioners teach students whereas the other way leads from the classroom, where students and faculty teach practitioners. This two-way street is realized via internet and is a continuous process over a lengthier period of time, with regular sessions and continuous interaction between the factory and the classroom. Teaching Factory paradigms can empower SMEs by introducing them to new technologies and research approaches of Industry 4.0 environments [Mavrikios et al. 2013]
Learning Factory is a concept whereby in the facilities of the university equipment that resembles manufacturing facilities are installed and people from both academia and industry can participate in specified courses. The purpose is to acquire manufacturing concepts, trends and knowledge in the academic environment. (Chryssolouris et al. 2008).
Teaching and Learning Factories of some of the Demo4Green partners:
INESC TEC https://www.inesctec.pt/en
MADE Competence Center i4.0 https://www.made-cc.eu/en
Czech Technical University in Prague https://www.cvut.cz/en
Tecnalia https://www.tecnalia.com/en/